Seek and you will find
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Ever wonder why no one has invited you to join the greatest, most influential and respected fraternity in the world? The fact is, no one will ever ask or invite you to be a Freemason. Fellowship is a significant component of freemasonry and to Camosun lodge in particular. Fellowship occurs outside of lodge activities includes family and friends. We all enter the fraternity in the same manner whether we be King Prince or Potentate. Freemasons of Victoria – Camosun Masonic Lodge – Seek and Ye Shall Find… read more
Where we meet

Freemasons of Victoria Camosun Lodge No. 60 was constituted July 15th, 1912 and practices the ancient York Rite ritual. All of our regular communications are held at 650 Fisgard Street, Victoria BC, on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm except for July and August. The entrance door has pillars on both sides. The main lodge room should be rectangular running east to west. The Victoria Masonic Hall conforms to these specifications subject to the grid pattern of the streets…. read more
Freemasons of Victoria – Camosun Masonic Lodge No.60
New Members and Affiliates Always Welcome!
New Members and Affiliates Always Welcome!
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There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet.